The value that a random variable
will take is, a priori, unknown. However, after we receive the information
has taken a certain value
the value
is called the realization of
The concept extends in the obvious manner also to random vectors and random matrices.
Table of contents
Note that random variables are usually denoted by an uppercase letter, while their realizations are usually denoted by a lowercase letter.
So, for example, if we denote a random variable by
its realization is denoted by
Remember that random variables are functions defined on the set of all
possible outcomes of a probabilistic experiment, which is denoted by
and is called sample space.
is the realized outcome, that is, the outcome that has actually happened, then
the value taken by the random variable, which is associated to that outcome,
is denoted
Also in this case we say that
is the realization of
Suppose that we perform a probabilistic experiment having two possible
The sample space, that is, the set of all possible outcomes,
Now, suppose that we have a random variable
defined as
If the realized outcome of the experiment is
then the realization of the random variable
For more details about the realization of a random variable, you can read the lecture entitled Random variables.
Previous entry: Random matrix
Next entry: Robust standard errors
Please cite as:
Taboga, Marco (2021). "Realization of a random variable", Lectures on probability theory and mathematical statistics. Kindle Direct Publishing. Online appendix.
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