The log-likelihood is, as the term suggests, the natural logarithm of the likelihood.
To define the likelihood we need two things:
some observed data (a sample), which we denote by
(the Greek letter xi);
a set of probability distributions that could have generated the data; each
distribution is identified by a parameter
(the Greek letter theta).
Roughly speaking, the likelihood is a
that gives us the probability of observing the sample
when the data is extracted from the probability distribution with parameter
We will provide below a rigorous definition of log-likelihood, but it is probably a good idea to start with an example.
The typical example is the log-likelihood of a sample of independent and identically distributed draws from a normal distribution.
In this case, the sample
is a
are draws from a normal distribution.
The probability density function of a draw
are the parameters (mean and variance) of the normal distribution.
The parameter vector
The set of distributions that could have generated the sample is assumed to be
the set of all normal distributions (that can be obtained by varying the
In order to stress the fact that the probability density depends on the two
parameters, we
The joint probability density of the sample
the joint density of a set of independent variables is equal to the product of
their marginal
densities (see the lecture on
random variables).
The likelihood function
In other words, when we deal with continuous distributions such as the normal distribution, the likelihood function is equal to the joint density of the sample. We will explain below how things change in the case of discrete distributions.
The log-likelihood function is
The log-likelihood function is typically used to derive the
maximum likelihood
estimator of the parameter
The estimator
is obtained by
is, by finding the parameter
that maximizes the log-likelihood of the observed sample
This is the same as maximizing the likelihood function
because the natural logarithm is a strictly increasing function.
One may wonder why the log of the likelihood function is taken. There are several good reasons.
To understand them, suppose that the sample is made up of independent observations (as in the example above).
Then, the logarithm transforms a product of densities into a sum. This is very convenient because:
the asymptotic properties of sums are easier to analyze (one can apply Laws of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorems to these sums; see the proofs of consistency and asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimator);
products are not numerically stable: they tend to converge quickly to zero or to infinity, depending on whether the densities of the single observations are on average less than or greater than 1; sums are instead more stable from a numerical standpoint; this is important because the maximum likelihood problem is often solved numerically on computers where limited machine precision does not allow us to distinguish a very small number from zero and a very large number from infinity.
We finally give a rigorous definition of log-likelihood
The following elements are needed to define the log-likelihood function:
we observe a sample
which is regarded as the realization of a random
(capital Xi), whose distribution is unknown;
the distribution of
belongs to a parametric family: there is a
of real vectors (called the parameter
space) whose elements (called parameters) are put into correspondence with
the distributions that could have generated
in particular:
is an continuous
random vector, its
joint probability
density function belongs to a set of joint probability density functions
by the parameter
is a discrete random
vector, its joint
probability mass function belongs to a set of joint probability mass
by the parameter
when the joint probability mass (or density) function is considered as a
function of
for fixed
(i.e., for the sample
we have observed), it is called likelihood (or likelihood function) and it is
denoted by
is discrete and
is continuous.
Given all these elements, the log-likelihood function is the function
You will often hear the term "negative log-likelihood". It is just the
log-likelihood function with a minus sign in front of
It is frequently used because computer optimization algorithms are often written as minimization algorithms.
As a consequence, the maximization
equivalently written in terms of the negative log-likelihood
solved numerically on computers.
More examples of how to derive log-likelihood functions can be found in the lectures on:
maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of the parameter of the Poisson distribution
ML estimation of the parameter of the exponential distribution
ML estimation of the parameters of a normal linear regression model
The log-likelihood and its properties are discussed in a more detailed manner in the lecture on maximum likelihood estimation.
Previous entry: Joint probability mass function
Next entry: Loss function
Please cite as:
Taboga, Marco (2021). "Log-likelihood", Lectures on probability theory and mathematical statistics. Kindle Direct Publishing. Online appendix.
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