The concept of parameter space is found in the theory of statistical inference. In a statistical inference problem, the statistician utilizes a sample to understand from what probability distribution the sample itself has been generated. Attention is usually restricted to a well-defined set of probability distributions that could have generated the sample. When these probability distributions are put into correspondence with a set of real numbers (or real vectors), such set is called the parameter space and its elements are called parameters.
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A more rigorous definition could be as follows.
be a sample (i.e., a vector of observed data). Denote by
the set of all probability distributions that could have generated the sample
be a set of real vectors. Suppose there exists a correspondence
that associates a subset of
to each
The set
is called a parameter space for
if and only
members of
are called parameters.
In other words,
is a parameter space for
if and only if all the probability distributions in
are associated to at least one parameter, and all parameters are associated to
probability distributions belonging to
If the correspondence associates only one probability distribution to each
parameter, then we have a parametric model. If there is a one-to-one
correspondence between the members of
(i.e., only one parameter is associated to each probability distribution),
then the parametric model is said to be identified.
A detailed presentation of the concepts of parameter and parameter space can be found in the lecture entitled Statistical inference.
Previous entry: Parameter
Next entry: Posterior probability
Please cite as:
Taboga, Marco (2021). "Parameter space", Lectures on probability theory and mathematical statistics. Kindle Direct Publishing. Online appendix.
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