The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is one of the most popular Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms.
Like other MCMC methods, the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is used to generate serially correlated draws from a sequence of probability distributions. The sequence converges to a given target distribution.
Table of contents
Before reading this lecture, you should review the basics of Markov chains and MCMC.
In particular, you should keep in mind that an MCMC algorithm generates a
random sequence
having the following properties:
it is a Markov chain (given
the subsequent observations
are conditionally independent of the previous observations
for any positive integers
two observations
are in general not
but they become closer and closer to being independent as
the sequence converges to the target distribution (the larger
is, the more the distribution of
is similar to the target distribution).
When we run an MCMC algorithm for
periods, we obtain an MCMC sample made up of the
realizations of the
terms of the
Then, we use the empirical distribution of the sample to approximate the target distribution.
be the probability density (or probability mass) function of the distribution
from which we wish to extract a sample of draws. We call
the target distribution.
Denote by
a family of conditional distributions of our choice, from which it is easy to
generate draws.
The vectors
and the argument of
all have the same dimension.
The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm starts from any value
belonging to the support of the target distribution. The value
can be user-defined or extracted from a given distribution.
Then, the subsequent values
are generated recursively.
In particular, the value
at time step
is generated as follows:
from the distribution with density
from a uniform
distribution on
otherwise, set
is uniform,
is, the probability of accepting the proposal
as the new draw
is equal to
The following terminology is used:
the distribution
is called proposal distribution;
the draw
is called proposal;
the probability
is called acceptance probability;
we say that the proposal is accepted;
we say that the proposal is rejected.
for any value of
then we say that the proposal distribution is symmetric.
In this special case, the acceptance probability
the algorithm is called Metropolis algorithm.
This simpler version of the algorithm was invented by Nicholas Metropolis.
We do not give a fully rigorous proof of convergence, but we provide the main intuitions.
The crucial step is to prove that the so-called detailed balance condition holds (see Markov chains), which implies that the target distribution is the stationary distribution of the Markov chain generated by the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
Denote by
the transition kernel of the Markov chain, that is, the probability density of
a transition from
and we have
Symmetrically, when the transition is from
we have
Therefore, when
the target density
and the transition kernel of the chain satisfy the detailed balance
then the detailed balance condition is trivially satisfied because
By putting together the two cases
we find that the detailed balance condition is always satisfied. As a
is the stationary distribution of the chain.
When we proved the detailed balance condition, we omitted an important detail: the proposal distribution must be able to generate all the values belonging to the support of the target distribution.
This is intuitive: if the proposal distribution never generates a value
to which the target distribution assigns a positive probability, then
certainly the stationary distribution of the chain cannot be equal to the
target distribution.
From a technical viewpoint, if a value
belongs to the support of the target distribution but is never extracted from
the proposal distribution, then
which causes division by zero problems in the proof of the detailed balance
condition and makes it invalid.
Denote by
the support of the
target density
A simple condition that guarantees that all the values belonging to
can be generated as proposals is that
any two values
Not only this condition is sufficient to prove that the target distribution is the stationary distribution of the chain, but it is basically all we need to prove that the chain is ergodic (i.e., we can rely on Law of Large Numbers for dependent sequences) and converges to the stationary distribution.
For a discussion of this condition (and other minor technical conditions that are always satisfied in practice) see Robert and Casella (2013).
As already shown in the introductory lecture on
methods, one of the main advantages of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
is that we need to know the target distribution
only up to a multiplicative constant.
This is very important in Bayesian inference, where the posterior distribution is often known up to a multiplicative constant (because the likelihood and the prior are known but the marginal distribution is not).
is a known function but the constant
is not.
Then, the acceptance probability
So, we do not need to know the constant
to compute the acceptance probability, and the latter is the only quantity in
the algorithm that depends on the target distribution
Therefore, we can use the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to generate draws from a distribution even if we do not fully know the probability density (or mass) of that distribution!
If the proposal
is independent of the previous state
the algorithm is called Independent Metropolis-Hastings or
Independence chain Metropolis-Hastings.
For example, a common choice is to extract proposals
from a
normal distribution (each draw is independent from the previous ones).
is drawn independently, the acceptance probability is
It is easy to see that
for any
In other words, if the proposal distribution is equal to the target
distribution, the acceptance probability is
and the proposal is always accepted. Furthermore, since the
proposals are independent, we obtain a sample of independent draws from the
target distribution.
On the contrary, the more the proposal distribution differs from the target distribution, the lower the acceptance probabilities are, and the more often the proposals are rejected.
The consequence is that the chain remains stuck at particular points for long periods of time, giving rise to a highly serially correlated MCMC sample.
As discussed in the lecture on MCMC diagnostics, chains that produce highly correlated samples can be problematic because they need to be run for very long periods of time, which can be prohibitively costly.
Therefore, the proposal distribution should be as similar as possible to the target distribution, so as to get high acceptance probabilities and samples with low serial correlation.
In the following plot, we show two examples:
on the left, the proposal is close to the target (upper panel); as a consequence, the samples are only mildly correlated (lower panel);
on the right, the proposal is very different from the target (upper panel); as a consequence, the samples are highly correlated (lower panel).
Unfortunately, there is no simple and universal method to select good proposal distributions. In fact, this is a topic that is still actively researched by statisticians.
However, a generally valid strategy is to:
start with a simple proposal distribution (e.g., a multivariate normal);
generate a first MCMC sample (which might be too correlated) and use it to infer characteristics of the target distribution (e.g., its mean and covariance matrix);
use the things learned from the first sample to improve the proposal distribution (e.g., by tuning the mean and covariance of the multivariate normal used as proposal).
If the proposals are formed
is a sequence of independent draws from a known probability distribution
(e.g., multivariate normal), then the algorithm is called Random walk
We have
Therefore, the acceptance probability
To understand the properties of this algorithm, let us consider the special
(but very common in practice) case in which the distribution of the random
walk increment
is symmetric.
In this case,
and the acceptance probability
Suppose also that the target density has the following two characteristics (which are very common in practice too):
points that are close to each other have similar densities;
there is a high probability region (e.g., around the mode of the distribution); the points that are far from this region have a much lower density than the points that belong to it.
Now, consider two extreme cases:
if the random walk increments
are on average very small (their
variance is small), then
the acceptance probability
are always close to
because, by assumption, points that are close to each other have similar
densities; the proposals are almost always accepted, but they are very close
to each other; the resulting MCMC sample is highly serially correlated;
if the random walk increments
are on average very large (their variance is large), then the
often close to zero when
lies in the high probability region because the proposals tend to be far from
this region and to have low density; the proposals are often rejected and the
chain remains stuck at high-density points for long periods of time; we obtain
a highly serially correlated MCMC sample.
The bottom line is: we get a highly correlated sample both if the variance of the increments is too large and if it is too small.
To avoid these two extreme cases, it is very important to accurately tune the variance of the random walk increments.
We can do this, for example, with a trial-and-error process:
we start with a guess of a good value for the variance, and we generate a first MCMC sample;
then, we look at the trace plots of the sample (see MCMC diagnostics); if we see points where the chain gets stuck (flat lines in trace plot) we decrease the variance, while if we see that the trace plot moves very slowly, we increase the variance;
finally, we re-run the chain.
An alternative and very effective method is to automatically tune the variance while running the chain.
Methods to do so are called adaptive Metropolis-Hastings methods. We do not discuss them here, but you can read this nice introduction if you are interested in the topic.
Robert, C. P. and G. Casella (2013) Monte Carlo Statistical Methods, Springer Verlag.
Please cite as:
Taboga, Marco (2021). "Metropolis-Hastings algorithm", Lectures on probability theory and mathematical statistics. Kindle Direct Publishing. Online appendix.
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